Monday, 31 March 2008

Google Webmaster Guidelines

To be able to achieve any success on the internet you really need a good understanding of Google. With Google being used for around 42.7% of the searches conducted, it is recommended that you at least spend a little bit of time finding out what Google wants.

Google has a clear set of rules and guidelines that they call the Google webmaster guidelines. Theses guidelines are what they use to assess a web site with. So if you follow theses guidelines you will have a better chance of actually showing up in a Google search.

Theses rules can be found on Goggles website shown below:

Knowing theses Google webmaster guidelines will make you much more effective in getting people to your website, and not only that you will also be much more effective in actually creating content that your visitors actually want, which will mean you can also improve your conversation rate as well.

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